Psychotherapy Services

  • -Structured diagnostic interview to determine DSM-5-TR diagnosis.

    -Collaboratively develop a customized treatment plan and suitable recommendations.

    -Take this assessment and recommendations with you for use with other identified providers, or continue services with Rivulet.

  • -Based on clinical findings from the diagnostic interview, treatment options include virtual and on-site, evidence-based psychotherapy.

    -Pinpoint quality of life barriers and desired outcomes.

    -Strategize an approach to overcoming identified obstacles.

    -Collaboratively develop a customized treatment plan and suitable recommendations.

  • Let the therapy work for you.

    Identify potential pitfalls and setbacks with a plan to maintain clinical gains as part of psychotherapy.

  • -Collaboration with self-identified natural supports (family, friends, etc) and other professionals that you work with to ensure successful implementation of skills learned.

    -Strengthen your support network and educate others about your needs.

    -Empower family, friends and other care providers in supporting your treatment gains.

  • Sometimes you just need a few sessions to get your coping skills back on track after a setback or lapse.